To serve our customers here are Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out. We’ll be happy to help and update our FAQ.


Can I change the channel of my Anywave transmitter?

Yes, you can typically change the channel of your Anywave transmitter with minimal difficulty. However, four components need to be considered: the exciter/modulator/translator, which is usually frequency agile and can operate across multiple bands (Band I, Band II, and UHF); the amplifier stage, which is generally frequency agile except for some specialized narrowband systems (amplifiers can only move within their designated band, such as Band I: CH2-4/5-6, Band III: CH7-13, and UHF Band IV & V: CH14-50); the bandpass filter, which will need to be re-tuned (see related FAQ); and the calibration, which will likely be close but should be checked by an authorized Anywave engineer. For further assistance with changing the channel, please contact our Service department.

Will my UHF Transmitter work on a VHF channel?

Some components of your transmitter, like the exciter and cables, may work across different bands. However, key parts such as amplifiers, controllers, and bandpass filters will need to be replaced. If you need to change bands, Anywave offers a buy-back program on most brands, as well as discounts on new transmitters. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quote.

Are there any options for my exciters that will help me optimize performance?

Yes, we offer several options to enhance performance, including IP input, Performance Monitoring Software, PSIP editing functions, Static Picture Feature, and ASI pass-through. For more information, contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller.

What is the best choice of transmitter Air or Liquid cooled?

It really depends on the requirements and location of your transmitter. For transmitter power levels of less than 10kW it is recommended to operate air cooling if for power levels above 10kW or in very hot or contaminated (polluted) operating conditions, liquid cooling is recommended. See White paper on the option. Link here.

Can Anywave repair a transmitter from another manufacturer?

Yes, Anywave can provide service and support on other manufacturers equipment and can provide key replacement parts; such as Intermediate Power Amplifiers and Exciters that can significantly increase your transmitters performance, reliability and efficiency. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

Can Anywave help me change a channel of my non-Anywave transmitter?

While Anywave does not typically repair transmitters from other manufacturers, we can assist with swapping key components, such as Intermediate Power Amplifiers or exciters, to improve performance, reliability, and efficiency. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for more details and a quotation.

Does Anywave offer VHF Band I transmitters?

Yes, we offer VHF Band I (CH2-4/5-6) in power levels of 150W to 15kW.  Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

Does Anywave offer VHF Band III transmitters?

Yes, we offer VHF Band III (CH7-13) in power levels of 250W to 20kW. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

Does Anywave offer Liquid cooled transmitters?

Yes, we offer UHF transmitters that are liquid cooled in power levels of 600W to 150kW. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

Does Anywave offer analog transmitters?

Yes, we offer analog transmitters for VHF Band I, VHF Band III, and UHF. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quote.

Does my Low Power Transmitter need a full FCC proof of Performance?

Typically, LPTV and Translator stations do not require a full FCC proof of performance, as it is usually covered by factory compliance testing. However, Class A and Full-Service stations do require a full FCC proof of performance by an approved engineer once the transmitter is installed. Anywave can provide this service.

Does Anywave offer Antennas or RF components?

Anywave provides a wide range of antennas and RF components from third-party manufacturers, including Band Pass Filters, directional couplers, and RF adaptors. We can assist with any RF component needs, from the encoder to the antenna. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for more information.


Does Anywave provide installation services?

Yes, Anywave has a dedicated team of full-time staff and authorized engineers across the USA to assist with the installation of your encoder, exciter, retrofit, on-channel digital repeater translator, or transmitter. Our pricing is highly competitive. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

Does Anywave provide recommended Spare Parts?

Yes, Anywave offers Level 1, 2, and 3 Spare Parts Kits (SPKs) for all products we sell. These kits can be purchased alongside the transmitter or after installation. We also stock refurbished parts, which may be available at discounted prices.

Where can I get another operational manual for my Anywave equipment?

All operational manuals and quick start guides can be found at

How long is my warranty?

The Anywave standard warranty is 12 months. Additional warranties can be purchased at the time purchase of the equipment. Extended warranties can also be purchased even if the warranty period has expired, as long as the equipment is operating correctly and in reasonable condition. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

What does the warranty cover?

The limited warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. It does not apply to damage resulting from improper installation, maintenance, or service; malicious damage; accidents; abuse; modifications; abnormal use or misuse; power surges; or disasters such as fire, flood, wind, earthquake, or lightning. See the link for the full description.

I need to be off the air for a minimum time, can I get a filter in advance of sending my filter back?

Yes, we will send you in advance a filter on your new channel and all you will need to do is send back the existing filter. There is be an advanced “swop out” purchase price available. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

I think a part on my transmitter has failed, where do I send it for repair?

If you believe a part of your transmitter has failed, please contact our service engineers first for confirmation. We can usually diagnose the issue remotely. If a failure is confirmed and is within warranty, we will issue an RMA for you to send the part to our service center at Anywave Broadcast, 100 N Fairway Drive, Suite 130, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 (telephone: +1 (847) 415 2258). If the failure is out of warranty, a repair quote will be provided before proceeding.

What is the typical turn around to repair my transmitter part?

Before sending any part to Anywave, please allow our service engineers to confirm the failure. We can usually diagnose the issue remotely through internet access to check the operating conditions. Once the failure is confirmed, we will provide you with an RMA, and you can send the part to our service center at Anywave Broadcast, 100 N Fairway Drive, Suite 130, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 (telephone: +1 (847) 415 2258). The typical turnaround time for repairs is usually 7-10 business days, depending on the nature of the issue and the availability of parts.

Does Anywave offer Service Level Agreements (SLA)?

Yes, Anywave offers SLAs for all our products, with strong recommendations for encoder technology. Encoders often require reconfiguring to accommodate program changes, which is not covered by the standard warranty. An SLA can help save costs over time if ongoing adjustments are anticipated. While transmitters typically do not include SLAs, we recommend extended warranties for these products instead.


Do you offer an upgrade to ATSC3.0 for my existing Anywave transmitter?

Yes, we can upgrade any existing Anywave transmitter to ATSC3.0. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

Do you offer an upgrade to ATSC3.0 for my existing non-Anywave transmitter?

Yes, we can typically upgrade any existing transmitter to ATSC3.0. We can provide an ATSC3.0 exciter, appropriate pre-amplifiers, and field services to adjust and recalibrate the equipment. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

What power output will I get out of my Anywave transmitter when I upgrade to ATSC3.0?

As a general guideline, your transmitter will produce about 67% TPO when transitioning to ATSC 3.0. However, this does not mean you will lose coverage. In most cases, ATSC 3.0 technology improves coverage and enhances reception within your coverage area, even at lower power. If you need to increase transmitter power to accommodate changes such as moving from horizontal to elliptical polarization, Anywave offers a generous buy-back program for your existing transmitter. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.


I have currently four programs on the air, and I want to have more, are there options that Anywave can offer to help?

If you're looking to add more programs, most encoders can be upgraded to support additional channels. However, due to rapid advancements in technology, it's often more cost-effective to replace your current encoder with a newer model that offers better performance. If you have an Anywave software-based encoder, it can likely be upgraded remotely. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

Do I need to worry about loud commercials and what is CALM compliance?

Anywave offers a CALM compliance software as an option on our I Series encoders. For more specific details on the CALM compliance rules go the FCC web page …

How many sub-channels can I operate on my station?

Using ATSC 1.0 as an example, the number of sub-channels that can operate on a 6 MHz (19.34 MB/s) channel depends on the desired program quality. For HD transmission, you're typically limited to 2 HD channels and 4–5 SD channels. For SD-only transmission, up to 12 programs can be encoded, multiplexed, and transmitted on a single TV channel. Anywave offers a multi-channel encoder capable of delivering up to 15 programs in one 19.34 MB/s Transport stream. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.

FCC Repack

Can Anywave help me with the Re-pack channel change?

Yes, Anywave can provide a range of replacement transmitters and services that will assist you efficiently and cost-effectively with changing a channel. Contact your local Anywave Salesman or Authorized Re-seller for a quotation.  

Where can I find out more about how the repack is going to affect me?

It is recommended to check out the fcc web page (

Congress established a hard deadline of June 12, 2009, for full power TV stations to cease analog broadcasts and begin operating only in digital, and the Commission set a transition date of September 1, 2015, for Class A television stations to complete their transition, neither of these deadlines applied to low power television stations or TV translator stations. Therefore, although all full power and Class A television stations have ceased over-the-air analog broadcasting, LPTV stations are continuing to transmit analog signals. The FCC has established a new deadline for the termination of all analog operations by LPTV stations.  That date is dependent upon the completion of the Commission’s incentive auction, which involves a repacking process that will displace some LPTV stations. Therefore, the Commission has determined to allow LPTV stations to wait until the incentive auction is complete before transitioning to digital.  LPTV stations will have 12 months from the completion of the 39-month post-incentive auction transition (51 months from the completion of the incentive auction) to cease analog operations and begin operating in digital, at which point analog television will no longer exist in the United States.  Until that time, LPTV stations may continue to operate their analog facilities.    LPTV stations should monitor the Commission’s website ( for more information on the status of the incentive auction and the establishment of an exact date for the completion of the LPTV digital transition.

Where can I find out more about the repack schedule?

Anywave can help you all the way with what you will need and how you can best transition in the FCC repack-incentive auction. For more information on the schedule see …


Are there any other resources that you can recommend?

Anywave is always here to help.

See the following web pages that can be useful to TV Broadcasters.